Author: Georgios
Insane body composition transformation
One participant completed my 8-week resistance exercise and nutrition protocol aimed to aggressively maximize muscle growth in the shortest amount of time. Let’s call him Mr. One; a healthy 32-year-old male. Mr. One completed 29 sessions of resistance training (he just exercised 29 times!). I decided to name the protocol ‘Colossus’, and after seeing the…
Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail
Tis the season that everyone looks like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat again. Yep, we have gone into a lockdown with mandatory mask-wearing in Perth. Since my plans of going out and having drinks at night got canceled, what’s better to do rather than head out to nature? The Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail was a…
Swan Valley bike ride
I don’t know how to put it more simply: the weather today was just perfect. I drove to Swan Valley for a 30 km cycling ride. It was nice to catch up with friends in my cyclist group that we lately started riding together. Pro tip: when riding always try to find another cyclist to…
Yanchep National park
Yesterday I went to Yanchep National park. I was intrigued when I heard of a ‘Ghost house trail’ and I wanted to explore (yes, the child within is still alive and curious as ever…). When I arrived at the visitor center and I asked which way to go for the trail, I was immediately asked…
Woodvale and Jandabup
So I decided to start going on more regular outings (hopefully weekly?) and writing the story here as it’s fresh on my mind; mostly for me to look back on. I started fasting on Friday evening (broke the fast on the following Monday), and one of the best ways to quickly get through the initial…