So I decided to start going on more regular outings (hopefully weekly?) and writing the story here as it’s fresh on my mind; mostly for me to look back on. I started fasting on Friday evening (broke the fast on the following Monday), and one of the best ways to quickly get through the initial periods of hunger is to do prolonged exercise. Given that the weather was great, I decided to go on a bike ride.

Initially, I went to Woodvale Nature Reserve (that sounded like a place that would be close and would have some deeper bush) but to my disappointment it’s not open to the public. Then I decided to cycle to Jandabup Nature Reserve since I had never been before. Again I couldn’t find a way to get in while cycling around the place; seems like I should avoid places with ‘reserve’ in their names from now on. They seem to be… reserved only for nature. I started making my way home (hunger started spiking then), said hi to some horses (that’s an anti-fly mask), but passed the free manure offer.

I spent some time around the beautiful Joondalup lake. It really has one of the most diverse nature in northern Perth.

I went off the main walking path and encountered some kangaroos, but I had no pokeballs with me, so I moved on…

Finally, took a selfie on the pier at Neil Hawkins Park with some seagulls before heading back home. Ended up being a 4-hour adventure!