Tis the season that everyone looks like Sub Zero from Mortal Combat again. Yep, we have gone into a lockdown with mandatory mask-wearing in Perth. Since my plans of going out and having drinks at night got canceled, what’s better to do rather than head out to nature?

The Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail was a beautiful and vast place. Of course, I walked it all – there and back! While fasting!

The symbol of trail I was following was a bit weird. If I just saw it I would think it said “Beware of grasstrees wearing huge dildos as hats”.

And Holy Moly some of those grasstrees were truly well-endowed!

Magical…. what else would I need other than this and a good audiobook?
And of course… as you guess it, I managed to get lost. Yep, I know, well laid path and all… I spend a good 30 min trying to get out of the middle of thick bush and find a path – any path – that would take me back. But I also managed to enjoy my time being lost a bit…

Probably what my car insurance thinks my car looks like, judging by how much they’re charging me.

Finally, after a good 5 hours of brisk walking, while fasted, I returned to where I left my bike and started making my way back home. While, of course, taking a moment to appreciate the serenity of Joondalup lake. A real-life painting.